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Mairie Davallon

Allo Maire Contact

Contact the Municipality of Avallon

Postal Address:

37 Grande rue Aristide Briand
BP 167
89 206 AVALLON Cedex


03 86 34 13 50


WEB 37 Grande rue Aristide-Briand
89200 Avallon

About the Mayor

Native of Avallon Elected Mayor in 2021:

Jamilah Habsaoui, 46, was elected mayor in March 2021 of this municipality of 6,000 inhabitants after serving as a councilor.

To Make an Appointment:

For passport or identity card requests, please make an appointment online via the website https://ville.

Additional Information:

The town hall is located at 37 Grande rue Aristide-Briand, 89200 Avallon, in the Yonne department of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.
The mayor is Ms. Jamilah Habsaoui.
